
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Knitting socks and more

It's actually really fun to knit socks.
My grandmother used to knit socks, but it has actually never caught my attention as in " ohh looks neat I wanna do this to " kinda thing.
At least not until I recently joined Craftsy and looked at a preview on one of their sock knitting classes.

The class can be found here and if you have never knitted socks it's a great place to start.
The class is taught by Donna Druchunas, she is a really good teacher. You should go check out her website.
Speaking of her website.
I was listening to her review of the book "The Sock knitters Handbook" and it really made me want to own that book.
And now I do. Donna had a copy to give away and I was lucky enough to win it! YAY I'm so excited and I am really looking forward to get it and start reading !!
You can buy your own copy here

I haven't really gotten much done the last week or so..I was working on my mums B-day present and I didn't quite get it finished... I still need to do the right front.
My stupid health got in the way which happens frequently. Short story is I have CPS (Chronic Pain Syndrome) and some Psychological issues aswell and they tend to get in the way on regular basis.
This time I have had some very heavy  migraines almost every day combined with swollen joints..very annoying but that's just how it is. A nasty reminder to me, that I have to take regular breaks when crocheting or knitting and remember to adjust the way I sit so it doesn't bother my neck spine.

I was actually going to start participating in W.I.P. which stands for Work In Progress. You can read all about W.I.P. here  and what it is. Well I'm going to put it on hold until next week.

I'm going to finish this post of by showing you a part of my Ladies Lace socks. A pattern you get when signing up for the sock knitting class I linked to .

What do you think about my sock ?

Thank you for reading and commenting :)

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